Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rainy Day Recess

Rain, rain, go away, so we can go outside to play! Lately, all it seems to do is RAin:( We even had to miss an entire WEEK of school because of major flooding in our area. No worries, we have come up with lots to do inside.

We write "to do" lists...

We play games on the computer...

We play with magnets on the board...

Dear Rain,
Inside recess isn't that bad, but do us a favor...can you tell the sun we miss him? Thank you!
Mrs. Cooper's Class
P.S. My rain boots say hello!

Perfect Party!

Our class has earned our first "Perfect Party!" Every day that all of the students in our class are on time and present, we earn a letter to spell "Perfect Party!" Our school started this program to cut down on absenteeism and tardies. We get to choose our celebration after earning all of the letters. We chose to have....

SnOw CoNeS!! brrrr!

Everything turned blue! We were sooooo cold, that we even turned into the Statue of Liberty!

Keep up the great attendance!! I enjoy seeing everyone, everyday:)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October Super Patriot

Congratulations to our October Super Patriot! Keep up the great work!